Tauaovao Henry J.I. Hoglund is a New Zealand-born Tongan who grew up in the Kingdom of Tonga and New Zealand and holds the matai title of Tauaovao from Vaisala, Savaii.
He is admitted to the rolls of the Supreme Court of Tonga (2000), the Australian Capital Territory (June 2000) and Samoa (November 2001) as well as the High Court of New Zealand (2010).
Henry has worked in Tonga (for Garrett & Associates in Nukualofa), in Samoa (for the Samoa Public Trust Office, Vaai Lawyers, Vaai Hoglund & Tamati and Vaai & Hoglund) and in New Zealand (for To’oala Law in Grey Lynn).
He has worked in various legal areas including wills and estates, debt recovery, commercial law, civil litigation, company law, property law and family law.
He is based in Auckland and his particular interest is in immigration law.
Email him directly at henry@vaaihoglundtoma.com