Once a person turns 21, they are an adult so those who are 20 years old and below are able to be adopted under Samoa’s Infants Ordinance 1961.

They must be 24 years old and under. For a child between 21 years and 24 years, they must not be working, not in a relationship or have a child and is financially reliant on their adoptive parents.
You must have been a member of the bank or other financial institution to which you make contributions for at least 3 years.
This means that your interest in the property does not pass on to your estate after you die but passes on to the other surviving joint tenant or tenants. If the other joint tenants die before you and you are the only owner left, the whole property is yours.
This is a request to the Minister of Immigration made by a person who is unlawfully in New Zealand and liable for deportation asking for a new visa. The Minister can grant or decline the application in his/her absolute discretion and does not have to give reasons for the decision.
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